About Us

Walkopedia was started in 2008, by William and Alexandra Mackesy. We aim to provide information on the world's best walks, and some fun, for other walk lovers.

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Walkopedia originated from William’s project to identify and walk the world’s 100 best walks. This will, he fondly believes, be as near definitive as can be achieved. He plan to have undertaken all the walks himself, and assessed them using consistent criteria.

William has so far tackled more than half the world’s best walks (the percentage varies as we discover new walks - in one year it actually fell!), and his descriptions of these walks will be appearing on this website. Of our preliminary Top 100, he has so far walked:



William Mackesy walked in Scotland and Wales as a child. He worked in Hong Kong for more than a decade, during which he travelled and walked extensively in Asia, particularly China. He is now based in the UK, but is on the road (or trail) for a chunk of every year.







Alexandra Mackesy encouraged (kicked?) William into doing something about this site. Lateral thinker, inspiration, mountain goat.








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Walkopedia can also be contacted at walkopedia@gmail.com .  


All material on this website is © Walkopedia Ltd 2008 - 2025, unless specified otherwise.