Press coverage

Here is some selected press coverage of Walkopedia.

LA Times, December 18, 2010

Web Buzz: lists the world's best walks.

"William Mackesy does enough walking to have a list of the 100 best places on Earth for it. lists the world's best walks, as chosen by passionate walker William Mackesy.

What's hot: "The World's 100 Best Walks" roster is a must-read, whether you love to hike or are simply curious about treks in a country you're planning to visit. Britain-based Mackesy has an intricate rating system that you'll find under "walks grading." Don't be surprised if a well-known trail is not on the list; beautiful views do not guarantee a spot. The site includes a difficulty grading, a note about whether a walk can be tackled in a day; and a great tool on the homepage (upper right corner) that enables you to search for a walk by continent, country or keyword.

What's not: Some walks come with a wealth of travel information, recommended reading lists and photo galleries; others do not. And there's nothing to indicate which of the walks do or don't."

San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday, January 9, 2011

Walkopedia lists top 100 best walks in world

"What's hot: "The world's 100 best walks" roster is a must-read, whether you love to hike or are simply curious about treks in a country you're planning to visit. Britain-based William Mackesy has an intricate rating system that you'll find under "walks grading." Don't be surprised if a well-known trail is not on the list; beautiful views do not guarantee a spot. The site includes a difficulty grading, a note about whether a walk can be tackled in a day, and a great tool on the home page (upper-right corner) that enables you to search for a walk by continent, country or keyword.

What's not: Some walks come with a wealth of travel information, recommended reading lists and photo galleries; others do not. And there's nothing to indicate which of the walks do or don't.

Read more:"

Kate Humble/the Good Web Guide, March 2011

Kate Humble, the popular BBC TV presenter and broadcaster, recently did a guest edited newsletter for The Good Web Guide, and Walkopedia was among the six favourite websites she chose - see The newsletter can be read here,

'Walkopedia - Going for a walk is one of life's great pleasures and I am lucky to live in one of the best bits of the UK for indulging that pleasure. Walkopedia does not just help you find a great walk in Britain, with links to maps, guidebooks and places to stay, but its aim is to provide suggestions for walks in every country in the world. It's doing quite well, with suggested walks in places as diverse and far flung as China and Chile, Bhutan and Norway.

Very Short List - Thank you, thank you Wendy for introducing me to this gem of an idea. I signed up instantly. Every day this website sends you a very short email recommending a great film, or TV show, book, art exhibition, some form of entertainment or media that they think worthy of attention. It might be new, it might be vintage, but it won't be something that has been endlessly hyped everywhere else. Brilliant!'

South China Morning Post, Hong Kong, April 2011

A long article about Walkopedia and its origins.

Brummel magazine, “The City’s Little Black Book”, July 2012

Feature on Walkopedia and its origins: see at p.25

2018: See Lonely Planet's profile on Walkopedia and William's Top 100 project.

And a long piece in June 2018 Oldie magazine about our project and the world's top 50 "do-able" walks.

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