Juta to Roshka via Chaukhi Pass
Key information: Juta to Roshka via Chaukhi Pass 
- A superb trek across this high pass in the wild, beautiful Caucasus: fascinating both naturally and in human terms.
Walkopedia rating
- Walkopedia rating89
- Beauty34
- Natural interest15
- Human interest10
- Charisma30
- Negative points0
- Total rating89
Vital Statistics
- Length: 1-3 days
- Maximum Altitude: 3,340m (variously stated)
This justly famous 3 day walk takes you from Juta in Kazbegi (Khevi) to Roshka in Khevsureti. Walk up the exceptionally beautiful (yes, even by Caucasus standards) valley above Juta to the foot of Mt Chaukhi in what some call the ‘Georgian Dolomites’; cross the steep pass to drop to the themselves famous Abudelauri Lakes; make a half day descent of the beautiful valley to Roshka.
Walkopedia friend Nick Ince says:
“In late July 2016 a small group of friends and I arranged a guided trip through northern Georgia. It was a memorable experience in varied mountain country, involving great trekking with an exploration of landscape, wildflower meadows, history and culture. The mountain flower meadows were exceptional and the famous towers were a fascination and enigmatic complement to the landscape. While the flowers were exceptional, there was otherwise little wildlife, with the hillsides largely open pasture grazed by sheep, cattle and horses.
We drove to Juta from Stepansminda, which was an introduction to the region’s rough 4WD tracks, and then hiked for 2-3 hrs up the valley to our campsite under Chaukhi mountain.
The next day we hiked up and over the Chaukhi Pass, which involved some steeper scree and grass slopes on the east side, down to a campsite at the Abudelauri Lakes.
The third day was then a morning hike down to Roshka, through the wildflowers, to meet the transport to take us to Shatili, where we stayed in a guesthouse overnight.”
Walkopedia says THANK YOU, Nick and for the stunning photos
This walk can be done in one long day. This is demanding walking in remote mountains with uncertain weather. Come fully prepared.
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For more information and photos, including detailed practical information and some warnings, see our Greater Caucasus Mountains walk page.
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