Grand Etang and Mt Kua Kua
Key information: Grand Etang and Mt Kua Kua 
- Another fascinating walk, in one of Grenada's long-abandoned plantations.
- A fine old graded track takes you up through the remains of the plantation, passing the ruins of the plantation buildings, which are interesting but unlovely, and redolent of the miseries of the slaves who worked them.
Walkopedia rating
- Walkopedia rating83.5
- Beauty31
- Natural interest14.5
- Human interest6
- Charisma32
- Negative points0
- Total rating83.5
Vital Statistics
- Length: Your choice
- Maximum Altitude: 720km
- Level of Difficulty: Variable
This walk description page is at an early stage of development, and will be expanded over time. Your comments on this walk, your experiences and tips, and your photos are very welcome.
This magnificent stretch of mountain forest in Grenada's remote and rugged heart is a must for keen walkers.
At its centre is the eponymous crater lake, a beautiful 12ha sheet of water in a fine old bowl which is still recognisably the remains of a volcano, with forested and in places marshy edges. The forest got trashed in a hurricane in 2004, but has regenerated pretty well, although there is less of the full-on tropical rainforest than there used to be. You should with luck see mona monkeys.
The walk around the lake takes 1+hrs and is lovely if very muddy and slippery in places - many will prefer to walk the first, drier, stretch only.
The best walk in Grenada for peak baggers and thrill lovers must be Mount Kua Kua, a 720m summit to the north-west of the lake. This is a 3hr (total) challenging climb from the lake, not that steep but slippery and scrambly in places, which threads along some spectacular and thrillingly narrow ridges. Arguably the best views in Grenada on a fine day.
Note that the summits are often in cloud, so plan and be prepared to change plans, as there instead much point flogging up if you will get no view. Consider an early start, as mornings tend to be less cloudy. You can walk onward with a guide, but most people return to the lake.
Concord Falls: these 3 waterfalls are beautiful and easily reached. The first is touristy, but the further ones (not on the same river, to be confusing) are rewarding walks. 1hr-ish to each of the lakes.
St Margaret' Falls: a 1.5 hr round trip to this series of beautiful waterfalls which is also known as the Seven Sisters.
Note: the falls and lakes walks can be busy when cruise ships are in. You can check online when ships aren't in.
Have a look at TripAdvisor – there are tens of millions of reviews, so you may get good, current views on guides, places to hike and places to stay here.
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