Hussaini to Zarabad
Key information: Hussaini to Zarabad 
- A fabulous loop over two perilous bridges across the Hunza River from the Karakorom Highway near Passu (north of Hunza proper), circling through rough fields, ravines and villages and traversing a cliff above the river, all beneath majestic mountain scenery.
- The river crossings are hairy (widely spaced, loose planks in places). Absolutely not for those who are queasy with heights.
- The area is sadly currently too dangerous to visit.
- This walk and many others in the area all in Lonely Planet's Pakistan. ANYONE GOT ANY GOOD PHOTOS? WE WOULD BE DELIGHTED TO POST THEM!
Walkopedia rating
- Walkopedia rating92
- Beauty32
- Natural interest16
- Human interest14
- Charisma32
- Negative points2
- Total rating92
- Note: Currently dangerous
Vital Statistics
- Length: 4-5 hrs
- Maximum Altitude: 2400m
- Level of Difficulty: Difficult
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Anyone planning an expedition to this place should see further important information about this walk.
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