Haute Route (Chamonix to Zermatt)
Key information: Haute Route (Chamonix to Zermatt) 
- A famous high route involving extensive glacier walks amid peaks and spires, on the roof of Europe. Not to be confused with the Walkers' Haute Route.
- The original Haute Route was established in the Mid-19th Century as a route for summer mountaineering, with a number of high glacier pass crossings. It is nowadays a superb high-level (and tough) ski travelling route. Many walkers would find it tougher than they would enjoy.
- The route (of which there are many variants) hugs the highest peaks of the Pennine Alps.
- Outstanding views and visual thrills throughout, and wonderful communion with the eternal high range.
- Glacier walking needs experience (or a guide) and can become a dreary slog.
- A joy of the route is the superb situations of many of the huts you will stay in.
- This is a very tough walk in high, remote mountains, on which you will have to be self-sufficient, where you will do a lot of glacier walking (and climbing on moraine) and where altitude can cause problems. And care needs to be taken to avoid areas at risk of avalanche and rainfall-and you can need to change route depending on weather conditions. Come prepared and be an expert, or be guided by one.
This page is at an early stage of development. Please help us by recommending walks and making suggestions and sending photos! Thank you!
Walkopedia rating
- Walkopedia rating83
- Beauty36
- Natural interest17
- Human interest2
- Charisma33
- Negative points5
- Total rating83
- Note: Negs: a lot of glacier walking; altitude
Vital Statistics
- Length: 7 days
- Maximum Altitude: 3,796m
- Level of Difficulty: Very Difficult
This walk description page is at an early stage of development, and will be expanded over time. Your comments on this walk, your experiences and tips, and your photos are very welcome.

Name: Jonty Crane
Posted on: 05/04/2020
Hi, This link might be useful - https://jontynz.com/2019/11/15/tour-du-mont-blanc-v-walkers-haute-route/ Jonty

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Anyone planning an expedition to this place should see further important information about this walk.

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