Menz-Guassa Conservation Area
Key information: Menz-Guassa Conservation Area 
- Magnificent highland scenery in this remote, superb area. Particularly rich flora and fauna.
Walkopedia rating
(Top 100)
- Walkopedia rating90
- Beauty32
- Natural interest16
- Human interest10
- Charisma32
- Negative points0
- Total rating90
Vital Statistics
- Length: Your choice
- Maximum Altitude: 3,700m
- Level of Difficulty: Variable
This walk description page is at an early stage of development, and will be expanded over time. Your comments on this walk, your experiences and tips, and your photos are very welcome.
The Menz-Guassa Community Conservation Area, north-east of Addis Ababa, is a properly remote highland area, with a range of vegetation/landscapes from forested slopes to high afro-alpine shrub-and-grassland in magnificent mountain scenery.
While small (98 sq km), it is well protected and home to classic Ethiopian wildlife, including a few Ethiopian wolves and gelada monkeys. Excellent bird life includes augur buzzards and other raptors. It is also relatively intact culturally.
There is community-led trekking to be done here, backed by the Frankfurt Zoological Society. There is a “community lodge” you can stay at, and a remote camping area. There is a variety of walks you can make, from day walks to 3-nighters. Walkopedia would really like to walk here.
Quite an effort to get to, down a long, rough track; a long half day (some 260km) from Addis Ababa. Walking and accommodation need to be booked ahead.
See for further information.
High Rainfall July-September: Altitude 3,200-3,700m, so you will need to be careful about acclimatisation and altitude issues.
Walkopedia would make sure it gets here when it gets back to Ethiopia.
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Any person who is considering undertaking this walk should do careful research and make their own assessment of the risks, dangers and possible problems involved. They should also go to “Important information” for further important information.
Anyone planning an expedition to this place should see further important information about this walk.
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