Zege Peninsula, Lake Tana
Key information: Zege Peninsula, Lake Tana 
- Walk through fine forest between the 4 monasteries on this famous peninsula.
Walkopedia rating
- Walkopedia rating87
- Beauty31
- Natural interest14
- Human interest14
- Charisma31
- Negative points3
- Total rating87
- Note: Neg: Noise and tourism around the monasteries/lakeside
Vital Statistics
- Length: Your choice
- Maximum Altitude: Your Choice
- Level of Difficulty: Variable
This walk description page is at an early stage of development, and will be expanded over time. Your comments on this walk, your experiences and tips, and your photos are very welcome.

The Zege Peninsula in the south of Lake Tana boasts 4 monasteries, and walking between then through lovely forest is a gorgeous way to spend a few hours.
The monasteries are of varying ages (C13 onwards), beauty and atmosphere, but are collectively moving and inspiring places. You need to climb to Tekla Haimanot on the peninsula’s highest spot.
The monasteries are accessible by boat, most of them quite near the shore, so you can come by boat (40 mins) from Dachir Dar, then land in one spot and get picked up from another. Or, indeed by road to Bete Selassie the drive on in.
The forest is home to a selection of birds, and vervet monekeys, so walking through it is an important part of an exciting day. You will also enjoy glimpses of the wide, peaceful lake (well, when the boats are about).
www.tourdust.com organise Ethiopia expeditions, including walking here. We had a wonderful time with them, with a well planned and supported journey. They clearly have good local partners.
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