Katoomba to Mittagong
Key information: Katoomba to Mittagong 
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This walk description page is at an early stage of development, and will be expanded over time. Your comments on this walk, your experiences and tips, and your photos are very welcome.
Name: Albert121
Posted on: 15/07/2015
Hi there, We've only walked 12 kms of the total 44 kms of The Six Foot Track. There's something magic in walking in Blue Mountains. I'm Italian so I thought I've seen a lot of beautiful (Alps) mountains but let me say, this place is just great!! Two things: - Be prepared for water. It could come as rain or you could step in a 40 cms deep puddle. Dress up like smartly and bring a change of clothes with you. It may save your day. Also, be prepared for every temperature. I did it in winter: 5�C during the morning and in the shade, 25�C in direct sunlight (Australian weather is quite interesting). - Book a hotel in Katoomba and set out on the trek in the early morning. You are going to experience some beautiful moments and some of the most interesting colours a mountain can offer (without snow). We found this Australian website http://www.hotelscombined.com/ and booked at Lurline House (thumbs up!) and step out the door just before dawn. It is an experience we'll never forget! Have fun!
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