Sivri Dag
Key information: Sivri Dag 
- 1,733m mountain towering over Lake Eğirdir at the Lake District end of the 500km St Paul Trail.
- The hulking mountain dominates the skyline behind the lake, and on its peak gives vast views towards Turkeys Lakeland in one direction, or back towards the Taurus Mountains in the other.
- Enjoy David Brieses account of the walk. See his website, here.
Walkopedia rating
- Walkopedia rating82
- Beauty31
- Natural interest15
- Human interest6
- Charisma30
- Negative points0
- Total rating82
Vital Statistics
- Length: 6.5km
- Maximum Altitude: 1,733m
- Level of Difficulty: Strenuous
A relatively straightforward climb to Sivri Dağ's 1,733m peak from pristine lakeshores - past a 2nd Century BC fort. Many thanks to David Briese's Photodiary of a Nomad for allowing us to quote from his St Paul Trail page.
From David Brieses account:
Sivri Dağ (6.5km, 530m ascent, 530m descent)
Our host dropped us off at the village of Akpinar, high above the lake but way below the peak of Sivri Dağ, and we set off. Above us to the north the rocky pyramid beckoned. The climb started straight away, at first up a gravel road, then veering off to a side road which slowly degenerated from road to tractor-track to footpath as it took us up through the lush green meadows above the village. The delicately sweet scent of red clover and distant bleating of goats accompanied us as we passed the shelters of the summer goat-herders.
A little higher up the slope, just as we were passing the first crumbling ruins of Prostanna, a 2nd Century BC stronghold, we met a couple of Turkish soldiers sitting on a rock. Welcome, said the first. Dont worry, our guns arent loaded, said the second, with a mischievous smile.
Soon we were pushing slowly up the steep and rocky ascent, past the 200, 300, 400 and 500m range markers of the Military Zone, prompting a few nervous looks behind. The views above the distant firing platform were opening up to reveal the snow-capped heights of Davraz Dağ, at 2,635m the second-highest peak in this region.
We crested the summit to one of the strangest experiences I have had while walking a hearty round of applause from a group of Turkish commandos. This was followed by a rousing antiphonal chant of their oath in front of the red flag of Turkey, its crescent moon and star fluttering in the wind quite moving, even for an old pacifist like me. We felt that we were amongst friends and it was sad to see them go (a win for the PR department of the Turkish army).
Still, some time alone on this rugged peak with its 360 panoramic views of distant mountains and beautiful Lake Eğirdir was appreciated.
© David Briese. See his full account and much more in his fantastic website
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See our St Paul Trail page for its full 500km in overview, for detailed practical information and for other walks in the area.
Map of Sivri Dağ trail
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