Key information: Alexander-Enzinger-Weg 
- Climbs steadily up the ridge west of the Kaprun valley, with fine views up the valley towards the high Grossglockner massif.
- This is such an inherently gorgeous walk that it will still be worthwhile despite the enlargement of the local ski areas.
Walkopedia rating
- Walkopedia rating83
- Beauty31
- Natural interest15
- Human interest8
- Charisma31
- Negative points2
- Total rating83
- Note: Neg: ski scarring
Vital Statistics
- Length: 10km, 4 hours.
- Maximum Altitude: 2,293m
- Level of Difficulty: Strenuous
It has to be said, the mid-western flanks of the Kaprun valley are in the process (as at 2018) of being ski-wrecked, which is tragic. The Kitzsteinhorn bowl skiing is being enlarged, as is Maiskogel at the northern beginning of the lovely Alexander-Enzinger-Weg (AEW), with a link being put in between them. As a result, the gorgeous AEW (inaccessible by cable car at its Maiskogel end until end of 2018 at the earliest, although there is also a summer hiking bus) will be more ski-blighted at both beginning and end (apparently with a cable car running along the hillside below it linking the two areas).
That said, the AEW is such an inherently gorgeous walk that it will still be worthwhile, although with some loss of magic. It climbs steadily from the Maiskogel cable car station southward up the ridgetop west of the Kaprun valley, with fine views up the valley towards the high Grossglockner massif; then, as the ridge gets higher and craggy, skirts the mid-western flanks to reach the ski hell around the Krefelder Hut in 4 hrs or so (descend by cable car).
Some way before the end, you can drop on route 5a to the lower Hausalm cable car station, to shorten the walk a bit and avoid the worst of the ski area.
The AEW can of course also be walked in reverse for those who prefer to be heading generally downhill.
From the Krefelder Hut or Hausalm, you can make the beautiful but very long (4 hours or so) and sometimes steep descent on route 711 to the valley bottom via the Salzburger Hut. (See our Kaprun valley page for more.)
The AEW is well loved, and well walked, so you won’t feel alone. Uncertain weather. Come fully prepared.
Walking in Austria – Kev Reynolds for Cicerone: more than 100 walks in the Austrian Alps, including 18 in this area, including this one. As usual, an inspiring book (indeed, Walkopedia was alerted to some of these routes by it), packed with valuable information, including good detail on the routes.. Find relevant books on Amazon.
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For more information and photos, including detailed practical information and some warnings, see our Kaprun Valley and Höhe Tauern walk page.
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