Soleleitungsweg/Hallstatter See
Key information: Soleleitungsweg/Hallstatter See 
- A lovely path running above the west shore of the Hallstatter See on this old salt road, through beechwoods and at time high above the lake, with fine views much of the way.
- Can turn into a circuit round the lake.
Walkopedia rating
- Walkopedia rating90
- Beauty31
- Natural interest15
- Human interest13
- Charisma31
- Negative points0
- Total rating90
Vital Statistics
- Length: up to 4hrs
- Maximum Altitude: N/A
- Level of Difficulty: Moderate

The mighty Dachstein, the eastern bastion of the Northern Limestone Alps, are a sheer crown of dramatic jagged peaks and cliffs rising to almost 3,000m on its south-western rim. The beautiful and interesting Hallstatt area lies to the range's north.
The Soleileitungsweg is an old salt road along which salt was carried north from the mine near Hallstatt which was a main source of that town's wealth. It is a lovely path running above the west shore of the Hallstatter See, through beechwoods and at time high above the lake, with fine views much of the way.
The walk can turned into a circuit by walking from Steeg-Gosaun down the lake's pretty eastern shore to a ferry across to Hallstatt, which you take across the lake, then following the Soleileitungsweg back up the lake to Steeg-Gosau. A fairly straightforward 4 hrs or so for the circuit.
Have a look at TripAdvisor – so you should get good, current views on places to stay, eat etc in the area.
Walking in Austria – Kev Reynolds for Cicerone: more than 100 walks in the Austrian Alps, including in the Dachstein. As usual, an inspiring book, packed with valuable information, including good detail on the routes. As Austrian maps are good, it has less on each walk that some other Cicerones, but that is fine. Recommended. Find relevant books on Amazon.
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