Yaku-shima Traverse
Key information: Yaku-shima Traverse 
- The Yaku-shima traverse is probably the best (and best-known) hike on Yaku-shima. Hike hut to hut through forests of huge cedars on this small volcanic island off the south-western coast of Kyusku, crossing all its highest peaks.
- Exceptional rugged landscape, and unusual and unsullied vegetation and wildlife.
Walkopedia rating
- Walkopedia rating81
- Beauty31
- Natural interest17
- Human interest2
- Charisma32
- Negative points1
- Total rating81
- Note: Neg: likely bad weather
Vital Statistics
- Length: 39km (3 days) - but your choice
- Maximum Altitude: 1935m
- Level of Difficulty: Strenuous

Yaku-shima is a thrillingly different place, a volcanic island 25km-ish across and some 60km off the south-west mainland. Yaku-shima is fascinating naturally, a recently-emerged mass of mainly volcanic and heavily eroded mountains with remarkable stone formations. It is home to ancient, sub-tropical rainforests including giant cedar trees and is one of Japan's few genuine wilderness areas. It has unusual and very varied plant and animal life, special wildlife includes small deer and monkeys.
The 3 day Yaku-shima traverse is probably the best (and best-known) hike on Yaku-shima, of which there are variants. Hike hut to hut through forests of huge cedars on this small (25km diameter) volcanic island off the south-western coast of Kyusku, crossing all its highest peaks, including Miyanoura-dake and Jomon-sugi-dake .
Exceptional rugged landscape, vegetation and wildlife.
Best months: May to October inclusive. (Summer typhoons can happen!)
Demanding walking in remote hills with frequent bad weather. Come fully prepared. A section in Lonely Planet's Trekking in Japan and a chapter in the charming if now quite old Trekking in Japan: an Adventurer's Guide to the Mountain Trails by Paul Hunt.
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