Cap Sizun/Pointe du Raz
Key information: Cap Sizun/Pointe du Raz 
- Rocky drama, surging seas, occasional perfect sandy coves/bays and green/heathery hilltops.
- The Pointe du Raz is Brittany’s equivalent of Land’s End – so expect hordes. You can, however, make a brilliant tour of the larger point area.
- Not to be missed if in the area.
Walkopedia rating
- Walkopedia rating86
- Beauty31
- Natural interest14
- Human interest11
- Charisma31
- Negative points1
- Total rating86
- Note: Negs: Crowded around the point
Vital Statistics
- Length: Your choice
- Maximum Altitude: N/A
- Level of Difficulty: Variable
The whole coast of this peninsula west of Quimper in south-west Brittany is lined with the sort of rocky drama, surging seas, occasional perfect sandy coves/bays and green/heathery hilltops which one associates with the best of the UK’s south-west – and it is much less compromised by development and tourists than much of the Breton coast, presumably because it is so often windswept, and is shortish of beaches. Not to be missed if in the area.
The main draw here is the Pointe du Raz, Brittany’s equivalent of Land’s End – so expect hordes (a million a year?) at the actual point itself.
You can, however, make a brilliant 7+ km tour of the larger point area: we suggest parking by the beautiful Baie des Trépassés beach to the north, named after the bodies of shipwrecked sailors which were often washed up there, and walking west to the point and back along the southern coast, past the tiny Port de Bestrée to the Pors Ann foreland, then turning back north across the peninsula, through the pleasant enough village of Lescoff then dropping back to the Baie for a well-earned dip (ie exhilarating fight with heavy surf). .If you are allergic to crowds, this won’t be the walk for you, in the point are at least. The whole trail was well walked when we were there in high summer, but not unpleasantly so once away from the point.
The rest of the peninsula has marvellous walking above proper sea cliffs on both coasts, with the north coast from the northerly Pointe du Van east to Douarnenez a particular gem, and much less used.
You could make a memorable 2 or 3 day walk along this coast.
See our Brittany page for more general and practical information and photos.
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