Goblin Valley, Utah
Key information: Goblin Valley, Utah 
- Wander in this truly amazing area, a wide valley of sorts littered with smallish hoodoos, rocky forms composed of sandstone tops, often eroded into beautiful, abstract shapes, above weaker mudstone bases. Some thrilling side-canyons with taller features.
- Not to be missed if passing.
Walkopedia rating
- Walkopedia rating84
- Beauty31
- Natural interest18
- Human interest2
- Charisma34
- Negative points1
- Total rating84
- Note: Negs: Popularity
Vital Statistics
- Length: Your Choice
- Maximum Altitude: N/A
- Level of Difficulty: Straightforward
A truly amazing area, a wide expanse (valley of sorts) littered with smallish hoodoos, rocky forms composed of sandstone tops, often eroded into beautiful, abstract, Henry Moore, shapes, above weaker mudstone bases which are eroding at a faster rate, resulting in the look of mushroom, or goblins per someone’s fancy.
There are side mini-canyons with larger hoodoos, lined by cliffs from whose flutings new hoodoos are emerging, and whose layer reveal the geological history of the area, formed from debris washed from higher ground and dumped in a flat, tidal area. There is also “Valley 3” to the south, another large area which far fewer people reach, and the Goblin’s Lair, a rappelling route into a fascinating and atmospheric collapsed slot canyon accessible from round the back of the formations behind the “valley”.
Wander in the “valley” from the Observation Point at will, but make sure you explore the further mini-canyon (“Valley 2”). There are also some short formal walks to viewpoints and in local mini-canyons, but few have time for these after proper exploration of the main areas.
It has to be said that this is more of a free-form wander than a formal “walk”: but so thrilling that Walkopedia has to include it in our anthology anyway, whatever the purists might say.
You can camp nearby. Summer is hideously hot and can have dangerous thunderstorms. Spring and Autumn are the best times to visit, although winter snow can create a new beauty to the area.
Our friends and partners Responsible Travel have a selection of walking and other holidays in South-west USA. You should get good ideas, perhaps for something you hadn’t thought of!
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