Langdale Valleys
Key information: Langdale Valleys 
- The Langdale valleys are two of the most beautiful places in one of the world's best-loved areas, with some of its most gorgeous walking, including Scafell Pike and the Langdale Pikes.
Walkopedia rating
- Walkopedia rating89.5
- Beauty32.5
- Natural interest15
- Human interest12
- Charisma32
- Negative points2
- Total rating89.5
Vital Statistics
- Length: Variable
- Maximum Altitude: 977m (Scafell Pike)
- Level of Difficulty: Variable
The Langdale valleys are two of the most beautiful places in one of the world's best-loved areas, with some of its most gorgeous walking.
Both are outstandingly pretty with great places to stay and eat and drink, and the walking could keep you going for days: both are surrounded by grand hills with some of the Lakes' finest walks. They are linked by a beautiful little road which threads over the low ground between them. They are wonderful places to base yourself.
The Great Langdale Valley is the larger and longer of the two, a classic glacial U-shaped valley winding to the great horsehoe of craggy peaks at its end, in the heart of the massif around Scafell Pike, England's highest mountain. Walks around it include:
- The Langdale Pikes [link later] to its north
- Esk Pike and Bow Fell at its head to the west, with Scafell Pike [link] waiting for you behind them
- Crinkle Crag and Pike of Blisco to its south.
The Little Langdale Valley boasts the wonderful ridge circuit of Little Carrs, Great Carrs and Wether Lam, south of its upper end; and Pike of Blisco to its north: both are accessible from the 393m Wrynose Pass at its head (so several hundred feet of climb saved to slackers). Wrynose is itself a superb drive, and you shouldn't fail to drive on the explore the remarkably well-preserved Roman fort at Hardnott Pass while you are at it.
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